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I ended up here because I played Bad Ritual. Again, I really love your writing. Valerian is ❀πŸ”₯. I played Valerian and Gnarl's routes, and wow. The amount of work you've put into them is huge. Thank you again lovely author. I'm off to check out your next WIP. πŸ’™


Glad you liked it !!!!! πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š


yall why does the text not move forward? space, enter or click and none of them work? I even tried directly on the white text like the settings say to do, and nothing... 

There's an arrow at the bottom of the page?

Yeah, turns out because I have experiments turned on google it fucked with the  contrast and I couldn't see the arrow, so that's actually my bad, lol it's happened before with text on other websites so I fixed it myself

AH glad you figured it out !!


How the hell have i only played this now..???? Like im basically obsessed with bad ritual 😭 why is this also so good. It should be wrong to be this talented. πŸ™„


I have an anklet that electroshocks me while I'm writing but joke's on them because if I hold a ham at the same time then it's a quick and easy dinner for me πŸ˜‚ ty I'm glad you like MH too !!!! πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š

how many ch. will full game be if the demo is only 2

I think the demo is more than two chapters? Or else it's the prologue + 2 chapters. I expect it to be like, 6 or 7, but things change in the process so we'll see.

Is this still being worked on?


Yep !!! Actively. Rewrites snuck up on me so the next update will be everytjing revamped up to the latest chapter posted here, thsn anpther update for new content after that goes out !!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for telling me!! The writting is good.  I apologize, your probably asked this Question a lot πŸ˜… 

Np, one day I'll be able to respond with an update πŸ˜‚


Is this game still being worked on, or is it abandoned? Anyone know?


I know !! It's still being worked on πŸ’š


Ah, thanks for letting me know! I'm relieved to hear it's still going. :)


I'm so confused. It says its in Twine but isn't Twine basically just a coding program for IFs? What do you mean its in Twine?

(2 edits) (+4)

It was made in Twine! I used Twine to make it.

Sorry, I haven't been up to date but is valerian's route finished? :o 


nope! You can check under more information for the last update and the current status of the game, which is below the link that I post on the main game page!

thank you!


Need moooreee 😍😍😍

glad you like it πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š


I am in love with Valerian😭 how do you do this??


dhfsdjkf I'm glad you enjoyed The Boy πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š


Curse you heartforge and your ability to make characters that make my stupid ass SWOON.




It seems like some of the pages for Valerian's route are out of order. Some pages, like when you choose who you like best, if you choose Valerian, repeat before continuing on. Maybe that is intentional. However, now I'm at the point where Noor has brought you to meet the lieutenants, and the pages seem mixed up. This didn't happen on my earlier playthroughs (months ago), Please let me know if you need more details.

H'm, maybe more specificity would help so that I could investigate !! It's not impossible: the way that progression moves might be bugged. You've mentioned where you first pick Valerian: that I can check. For the Noor passages, is there a specific part?

For reference, I've found what you meant along the picking Valerian part: that just needs a little investigation, Valerian's section was a little awkward when it came to progression due to some complicated bits in the translation from Ren'py to Twine. I went through the part with Noor and I don't think I saw anything, but I wasn't doing a very close reading (I don't have the files on me to fix atm so even if I found it on that reading, I may not have recalled it later when I was able to fix it πŸ˜…).

I'll reread that section tonight and get back to you. Thanks!


Nevermind! While there was that problem with picking Valerian, the part with Noor was just me missing reading a line, so that the next page didn't make sense. All is okay. Sorry! Also, I love your stories!!


No prob !! The best kind of bug is the kind that I don't have to fix πŸ˜‚


Oh I've only played a little and I'm in love. Specifically with Valerian. Hand him over. He's beautiful, he's a little stupid, he's dangerous, and he's PERFECT. I adore his personality as you've written him and absolutely need more of his route. Fantastic work!!! I can't wait to see what you do next!!!


πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š glad you like him !!! and ty for commenting πŸ’š


I NEED MORE!!!! This is incredible and wonderfully written; it sucks you in and refuses to let you go. I abso-freaking-lutely love this! Can I post a review of this on my Tumblr?


Oh you absolutely can !! I'd love to see it (I'm heart-forge on there !!)

Would you mind reading my review before I post it? I wrote it in Google docs and want to make sure I've gotten it all accurate, not too boring, or too many jokes, and overall seems good and like something someone would read:

Oh, I don't think I'm the best person to do this! I wouldn't want to like...bias you or anything. I'm sure it's just fine!

I love valerian's path but this time I decided to read Gnarls path. It was so funny and strange when the twins characters were introduced because they have the same name as me and my brother! 


You have no idea how much stuff like that happens to me. I’ve found my name in a lot of hidden gems and I don’t even have a common name. It’s a tree for Gods sake. So, you’re not alone in that part πŸ‘ I once named the character I was using a name that was of a character’s name that appeared later πŸ˜‚

WOW what a wild coincidence! Not only guessing one name right, but two of them? My third eye is wide open in the most niche way possible πŸ‘οΈ

Hello Heartforge, in the game when I went to see the settings, to get out I appeared this.

I would LOVE to know why Twine is launching debug mode for players. Had you tried to load a save before this? Saves might be broken atm and apparently Firefox lets you guys play with the debugger if it detects an error, for some reason.

(1 edit)

I begin by telling you that if you are thinking that I am cheating, you are making a big mistake.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Second, it's more like how I get out of the game settings (the same goes for Bad Ritual). More than anything else, the two arrows came out indicating to go back, but the message came out of the photo of Bad Ritual (game). On the photo there was a play button, and then I am put the debugging program. I tried to update through the browser (in which is Safari) but it remained nailed (the same).

It really only appeared at your games, but the other games I tried went great.

If I made the mistakes, I apologize.

LOL if you could figure out my variables to cheat, I'd applaud πŸ˜‚ . H'm I'm not entirely sure what would be doing it? I can't replicate it on Firefox: hitting the back button from settings works just fine for me. Maybe it's something to do with how Twine interacts with Safari? Unfortunately I can't test that because Apple will only let their software run on their hardware (πŸ™ƒ). I've read that on some browsers, it's possible for player to hit some...invisible button? To get into debug mode. Lots of people are posting about it happening, but I'm not seeing any solutions unfortunately :( You're not the only one this has happened to, but I think the other instance was solved by the player restarting without a save. That's all I can recommend while Apple won't let me develop for them and the only people posting solutions are using a different coding language than I am πŸ˜” I'll try to keep digging in to it!

(2 edits)

Loved the game😩🀌 Your games are masterpieces/hidden gems. It did take me a bit to restart the game though. I had to close the browser tab to restart, the β€˜New Game’ doesn’t work and keeps previous information then loops you on the 4th or 5th part. Maybe try a restart option or whatever it’s called. My brain seems to be failing me, I swear I know how to use Twine πŸ’€

Sorry if this makes zero sense I just been playing games on my phone cause I’m stuck at jazz event 😭

I've heard reload doesn't work using the itch iframe πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ ugh I'm honestly not sure what might be wrong. The new release has been awash with bugs that I can't replicate: new game works fine for me, so I'd need more information. At this point it might just be an issue with the way itch iframe is handling the game because I haven't been able to replicate any of the present bugs !! Honestly, I'm only using the iframe for the sake of the assets on mobile, because I couldn't figure out how to make the assets launch properly on my phone and I was tired of trying πŸ˜…

Thank you for still liking the game despite the whack issues πŸ™β€

I could always help if you need it. I understand programming and Twine can be a nightmare sometimes. But maybe just put a little notice for a restart just close the window and try again πŸ‘ I’m making a few games myself and I’ve gotten a lot of bugs with Ethereal and the elven character customization. I more like working with customization factors and I hate <if> </if> stuff. Makes me want to throw my computer πŸ’€ I’d also be happy to test stuff on mobile too, I test all of my own stuff and if my (very few) friends agree to take a look

Oh you must be using SugarCube (based entirely on the <if></if> which is (if: condition)[code] in Harlowe): I'm on Harlowe !! And weirdly, I haven't been able to replicate an issue with finishing the game and then restarting? I'm always able to return to home and restart without an issue, so I'm not even sure what could be causing it OTL

I restarted mid-game because I accidently did something I didn’t want to do. Also, yes, I use SugarCube because Harlowe wasn’t helping me on with I wanted to do. Maybe check out my game? πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ Ethereal is kinda a mess rn but I’m working on it atm. The CC is better now too so it’s full of elaborate details, just need to write, lol. My other game doesn’t have gameplay, it’ll soon be released though. Just mostly having writing issues 😭

I'm not seeing any issues restarting on my end, which might be an issue with like, a specific set of choices that get set (usually it helps to have a specific passage where you restarted but of course I understand that you wouldn't have that, not anticipating a total breakdown). And yeah, Harlowe's a real Mad Max wasteland of features. Half the stuff I'm doing I needed a programming degree to figure out πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ and god yeah, writing can be the worst part. I abandoned character details so quickly like, half because I struggled to reintegrate them into the story again πŸ˜…

(1 edit)

I'm loving everything I've seen so far but I've encountered a bug.

When I get to this screen, clicking the arrows to proceed brings me to the very first page. I use Firefox as my default, and I've disabled every extension as well. After restarting a few times and getting to this screen, at one point it brought me to a random page later on in the chapter. Figured it might be an issue with Firefox due to the fact I was able to progress using a different browser. Hopefully this helps. (:

I don't think it's Firefox because I also use it! There's some weird stuff going on with progression which seems largely random from person to person, with the added complexity that I can't replicate any individual case πŸ˜… I'm gunna have a look at it tomorrow, but it's gunna take a minute as far as fixes go. My running theory is that it has something to do with the (history:) array breaking everything, as the game can only move forward so long as the (history:) array does not contain the passage the player is on (preventing an initial bug wherein navigating to the stats page and then back would erroneously increment the count again). My running theory is that this is breaking the game in fun new ways for different people, so we're gunna try to work around that ;;

(1 edit)

That makes sense. Thanks for the response! Will you possibly consider making external saves in the game a thing at any point by chance? I'd be really interested in being able to transfer my saves across browsers in the future. Thank you again!

Edit: I've fiddled with some various settings on Firefox, mostly disabling an extension I seemed to forget to disable (the Tampermonkey Firefox extention was breaking it, in case anyone runs into the same issue) and it's working so yay! Thank you again for the reply. I'm in love with everything so far. Thank you for all the hard work in this and your other projects! I've been a following your work for a while and your writing is really just 100/10.

Oh! Weirdly I'm glad it was an extension doing it ;; although it also could just be the luck of the draw ;; I'm going over the incrementation with a fine tooth comb to try and make it function without issues anyway !! And external saves aren't something that Twine does. I could probably build something that would imitate it, but that's a lot of work for something that's too....variable to work for everyone, you know? That's why I made build a save !! So you won't have to play through from the start every single time.

I didn't actually know that wasn't a thing with twine, good to know though! The build a save is a nice feature and definitely something I wish I saw more often.

Dipping back in to report that in theory, the bug has been fixed !! I'm not sure if it was your extension or luck of the draw, but hopefully you won't encounter progression loops again !!

I love Abeni and her spiffy new sprite art β™‘β™‘β™‘

Yaay !! πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š I've had her sprite under wraps for so long, I'm glad I could finally share her !!!!


Well worth the wait, she's lovely β™‘  

10/10 would get trapped at a house party with the pretty fleet commander again.

I'm looking forward to reading all routes again with the update, it's been a couple of months since I've read it! But there's an error on Gnarl's route. idk if it's supposed to be there but i just wanted to let you know!

(2 edits)

H'm this one is a thinker. Thanks for the report! I'm gunna need a minute to figure out why it's doing this πŸ˜… if it helps, though, you ended JUST short of the actual ending. Except for one passage and the credits, you did get all the way through!

EDIT: Okay, I can't replicate this! Which means: either it was a series of unlucky clicks (I think I've observed that the count kind of goes haywire if it gets clicked too fast: I'm not even sure if that's what it is, but sometimes the count messes up for no discernible reason, so I'm chalking it up to the engine), or something in the exact sequence of events you chose from a certain point (and I don't know which point ;;). If you try replaying the chapter using the build a save feature, hopefully you won't encounter the bug again!

Sorry: this obviously isn't an ideal solution, but there's a lot of moving parts on this one and if it isn't the OBVIOUS problem (ie, I named something wrong or have a passage that's affecting the count) then it could be anything ;;


Ohhh ok, thank you for letting me know! i'll try the build a save feature to see if that works and good luck on development, i'm looking forward to the game in the future!

Oof, so it should be fixed now !! Like I said, the bug couldn't replicate perfectly because I think it was an issue with leaving the game screen to view stats or save the game, but it's fixed now !! Hopefully, anyway πŸ˜…

I'M SO SORRY FOR THIS, you're probably stressin out right now trying to figure this all out, but i haven't been able to go back to the home screen from the saves because of this. Again, i'm so sorry for bothering you! 

DAMN IT I DIDN'T TEST SAVES BEFORE LAUNCH. This is probably because I updated Twine. Lemme see what kind is nonsense I have to pull here πŸ˜…

Okay wait, can you tell me specifically what you were trying to do here and what went wrong? Because the save page is NEVER supposed to lead to the home page, for my sanity, and saves still work as intended for me?


I will be honest...I wasn't expecting anything big, but what a SURPRISE! Just WOW! The writing is soooo good, the emotions, the dialog. I can't believe I almost passed it by because its not finished, and I thought that there wasn't enough art work. But when I started, the story is so interesting and the characters are so great, who really needs art work! When the chapter ended on a cliffhanger I actually screamed "NOOOOOOO"! Thank you so much for your work and I can not wait for more!!!!

πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š I'm glad you liked it !!! There's lots of hidden gems in the no artwork camp, but we really suffer for it πŸ˜… it's a pricey endeavor !! I'm glad you gave me a shot !!


It is a hidden gem! And I am extremely  happy I found it. When there is no art to distract that's when you truly see the writing and storytelling and here its just absolutely beautiful! Thank you again❀️

I really curious about what happen next, will you update it?? since it's been a while


When I get to it! It's been a long pandemic and I'm having a rough one, which isn't exactly super accommodating to big projects. I try to keep everyone updated on my blog (


ohh that's okay, thanks for answering. I hope things will get better for you :D

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